Stratford NewsLocal news for Stratford, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Late amendment sinks nepotism law- June 27, 2008 ...An anti-nepotism ordinance was defeated by the Town Council's....The proposal, presented by Chairman Michael Henrick, R-10, would prohibit "immediate" relatives... Richard Weizel-CT POST Stratford Trivia Mayoral Satire- June 25, 2008 ....I was crowned (whoops, make that elected) mayor, I promised to bring a fresh new voice to Stratford government. (Hey, if I didn't promise that, I meant to, or, more likely, those lame-o's in the "press" chose to "lose" that release.).... Charles Walsh-CT POST Stratford firetrucks need replacing- June 14, 2008 ..Warnings were issued by fire officials to the Town Council and Mayor James R. Miron more that public safety and the lives of firefighters were in jeopardy because of aging firetrucks ... RICHARD WEIZEL-CT POST Council may ask registrar to step down- June 11, 2008 ...Stratford town council debated whether..."insist and demand" Miron,the father of Stratford's Mayor to resign after he was "accused of illegal activity and that his position requires unquestionable integrity."... Richard Weizel-CT POST Time to end this disgrace in Stratford- June 9, 2008 Some elected officials abuse their office for personal gains. Some business owners abuse their customer's trust to line their own pockets. Unfortunately for the taxpayers of Stratford, Richard Miron has allegedly done both... Peter Hull-Stratford Stratford, feds reach Long Beach deal- June 5, 2008 ...The proposed sale - supported by Mayor Miron and local conservationists and opposed by others - has been forwarded to the Town Council, which will decide whether to send it to a public hearing when it meets at 8 p.m. Monday in Town Hall. Richard Weizel-CT POST |