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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for June 2008

The Days & Nights of the Lipstick Librarian!

The diary of a library fashionista....

A Few Observations... - June 29, 2008

...from the trenches of ALA 2008All the power hitters in ALA are in reality petite women with big smilesWhat happen to the massive vendor receptions Get on the freakin' stick, ferchrissakes!Sadly, no amount of Mickey Mouse paraphernalia will ever disguise...

Addicted to Puppets - June 27, 2008

Leaving for Anaheim at 7:15 am tomorrow morning; but before I go, a question to ponder while avoiding eye contact with a lonely vendor: What is it with librarians and puppets They're more to us than just story time props,...

What Are We Doing With That Book Cart - June 23, 2008

I know: I haven't posted in a while and got distracted from the passion quilt meme. Maybe it was the whole Hillary-evil-Barack-good thing playing out on the evening news. Or the Sichuan earthquake and its impact on the Beijing 2008...
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