Tom 7 RadarTom 7 RadarJuly facts- July 11, 2008 Facts: Yesterday I went to California University of Pennsylvania (isn't that kinda confusing) to teach computer science to high school girls attending a technology camp. This was fun. I taught them about graph algorithms. I think my least favorite commonly experienced feeling is when I remember having an idea but I can't think of what it was. If there was only one day per year, then it would be everyone's happy birthday every day! Wouldn't that be nice Tonight is the beginning of the ICFP... AAD-22: Conditional Independence Day- July 9, 2008 Spoiler alert! This album-a-day contains spoilers for the TV show Lost (Season 2). (I always wanted to say that, heh heh.) Album-a-day:about &x00B7; latest On the 4th of July long weekend (Independence Day in the U.S.A.) I recorded another album, called Conditional Independence Day. That is a tepid probability joke. It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to find a solid free day to do this, and since I've made something like 25 of these now, also increasingly difficult for me to be all.. Things that are getting less weird over time- July 8, 2008 Things that are getting less weird over time: When the headphones are much larger than the musical device that they are connected to |