varnamHISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY & BOOKSAnother Suffering Messiah Resurrects- July 11, 2008 A stone tablet pre-dating Jesus with inscriptions suggesting resurrection is making news. Written using ink on stone, and dating to some time between late first century B.C.E. and early first century C.E, the tablet is written like a scroll in two columns. Though it was discovered a decade ago, the news worthiness came from the research of Hebrew University scholar Israel Knohl who claimed that the tablet mentions a messiah who will arise after three days. Does this shake the foundation of... Astronomical dating of Odyssey and Mahbhrata (Part 22)- July 8, 2008 Read Part 1There are two possibilities on how Homer knew about the eclipse which happened five centuries ago.The eclipse details was passed down through oral tradition to Homer. If Homer knew about Metonic and Saros eclipse cycles, he could have estimated the eclipse.Currently there is no evidence that Greeks were interested in such precise observation of astronomical events. Since the eclipse did not pass through other major civilizations of the time, the data could not have come from... Astronomical dating of Odyssey and Mahbhrata (Part 12)- July 7, 2008 Almost ten year after the ten year Trojan war the Greek hero Odysseus, who was the leader of the group inside the Trojan horse, reached home to find that his wife Penelope was being harassed by 108 unruly suitors. Disguised as a beggar, he experienced the suitors' intentions, tested Penelope and decided to act. In Book 20, the seer Theoclymenus warned the suitors.Plutarch and Heraclitus thought this was a reference a solar eclipse and some scholars dated it to the eclipse on April 16, 1178... Space Archaeologists- July 4, 2008 Using images from Google Maps and Google Earth, an Italian programmer stumbled upon the remains of an ancient villa. Images taken by Landsat and IKONOS helped archaeologists find several building sites near Tikal in the Guatemalan rainforest. In India, satellite images have shown evidence of paleo channels in Haryana believed to be the mythical Saraswati.Archaeologists are now using radar and satellite imagery to explore regions affected by violence and sites which are inaccessible.Here in... State of Hindu Temples- July 2, 2008 In PakistanThe ancient Hindu temple at Katas Raj, some 40 kilometres from Chakwal, has been robbed of all its relics, save for a stone carving depicting a god and a goddess, who are sitting, and two female slaves standing on either side.Kumar accused the Punjab Archaeology Department (PAD) for lack of interest and not providing the temple enough security. He said the temple had been a continuous victim to smugglers of ancient sculptures. He said the surviving statue was priceless and was also.. |