Vadnais Heights NewsLocal news for Vadnais Heights, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.H.B. Fuller Q2 falls on rising materials costs- June 25, 2008 H.B. Fuller Co. saw a dip in its second-quarter profit, on higher costs for raw materials. State jobless rate at 17-year high- June 22, 2008 The grim jobs news continues. Minnesota's unemployment rate jumped to 5.4 percent in May - its highest level since 1991 - as the ranks of the jobless topped 158,400, the highest in a quarter century, according ... Little Canada seeks to settle sewer fee dispute with Vadnais Heights for $170,000- June 20, 2008 Two neighboring Ramsey County communities may soon settle a long financial squabble. 'Tiny Tastes' pepper suburbs with new flavors- June 16, 2008 Bev Anderson feeds her 2-year-old granddaughter, Jocelyn, during Taste of Vadnais in Vadnais Heights. Husband serves abroad, wife serves at home- June 12, 2008 The president of the White Bear Area Chapter of Women of Today feels a sense of fulfillment with every act of service her group accomplishes. Winning Team...- June 10, 2008 When designers and workrooms team together beautiful things happen-and end up on customers' windows. Confessions of a Rat Pack party girl- June 8, 2008 Movies about Vegas tend to depict one of Sin City's two extremes -- glitz and giddiness or dirt and despair. Mother sent to workhouse for whipping son- June 6, 2008 Queenshae Smith stood before Ramsey County District Judge Michael DeCourcy on Wednesday and admitted she had beaten her son with a leather strap, a belt and an extension cord. Set in stone; a trend in home construction- June 4, 2008 Part of what makes the Vadnais Heights model home Cemstone uses for tours unique, can't be seen from the street or the sofa. The Vegas not-so-high life- June 2, 2008 Jane McCormick was a Vegas call-girl in the 60's, serving the Rat Pack including she claims Frank Sinatra. |