Ballot Battles- January 17, 2005 If you'd like to read the best article I've seen on the Battle for the Ballot Box, go here. Or perhaps you'd like to read a little more about the Inauguration. Go here. Or maybe you want to read about... Ballots or Bullets- January 17, 2005 I received this the other day from someone who knows someone in Iraq, unit will be delivering the voting machines and the ballots to villages and cities throughout Iraq during the upcoming elections. (January 3031) Our convoys are prime targets... Remember...- January 15, 2005 Someone should tell this guy, "With great power comes great responsibility." Source... More Blog Hiatus- January 6, 2005 It took me a while to figure it out, but I guess I'm on blog hiatus for a while... Thanks for stopping by -- come back again in a few weeks and maybe the batteries will be re-charged.... UN-likely- January 1, 2005 Powerline helps to rip the facade off the UN's hypocrisy in the relief efforts in Indonesia in an article titled, Tsunamai Relief: The Real Story. Powerline gets quite a bit of help from someone on the scene and a blog... |