(Untitled)- December 21, 2002 John Robb: "Why can't email have a shortcuts feature" Scripting News -- How about making shortcuts work in outline rendering firsthttp://surfmind.com/musings/categories/radioNotes/2002/12/21.cfm#a442 (Untitled)- December 18, 2002 So wouldn't it be cool to be able to navigate Radio daily archive pages via link rel=nextprevhttp://surfmind.com/musings/categories/radioNotes/2002/12/18.cfm#a437 (Untitled)- December 6, 2002 Blog titles as defacto-categories - Extend the glossary item (in geek speek) to be a array of pointers, not a single one. Not quite a category, but a new rendering for a glossary could include a list format. Outline, hypertext style.http://surfmind.com/musings/categories/radioNotes/2002/12/05.cfm#a422 |