Arish's TechblogTech notes to self...(Untitled)- January 30, 2003 2002 Technology of the Year: "Prediction for 2003: Interapplication and interpersonal pubsub will grow even closer." (Untitled)- January 21, 2003 Forecasting the U.S. Corporate Wireless E-Mail Market. Despite all the talk of 3G and multimedia applications, messaging is still the biggest opportunity for wireless data. Yankee predicts that the US wireless enterprise email market will be worth $3.5 billion by 2007. And guess who will make the most money. 67 percent of the revenues will go to carriers for data transfer charges. Techdirt Corporate Intelligence: Techdirt Wireless News (Untitled)- January 16, 2003 Lot of good stuff on Techdirt Wireless. (Untitled)- January 16, 2003 Sify: Sam Pitroda to develop e-money for India. WorldTel Chief Sam Pitroda today said he will soon help enable Indians to use their mobile sim-cards as credit cards. In an informal chat with Minister of State for communication and IT, Sumitra Mahajan, the WorldTel chief said the various MTNL and BSNL outlets can be used as hubs for the total financial activities.Scott Loftesness: Mobile Commerce (Untitled)- January 16, 2003 Have moved my weblog back to the Radio Userland site while we transition to a new ISP. will be back up soon. (Untitled)- January 7, 2003 PreCache is developing publishsubscribe router technology. I wonder if its based on Internet Indirection Infrastructure research I had blogged earlier. Definitely cool stuff, but it requires ubiquituous adoption and compelling services to provide real ROI to infrastructure vendors who will have to deploy these routers. There is no doubt that pubsub systems will become more widespread, however we'll just have to wait and see if any one architecture or standard will emerge to... |