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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for August 2003

Tales of Hoffman

Another Attempt at Relevance

Happy BlogDay to Me....(And I'm MOVING) - August 29, 2003

Like so many others who stepped "in the pool" after the brave first wave, today is the one year anniversary of Tales of Hoffman -- the blog. I started this thing as an experiment to see: 1) If it would become a creative release for me, since I've always loved writing and hadn't had much of a chance to "work out" in a while; 2) If there was any chance that it would help me expand my horizons as I think about the next places to push Medscape. In reality, it has become much more than those two...

You CAN Get There from Here - August 28, 2003

I've been spending some time in the last two days getting things set up at my new Typepad address (thanks for the offer, Jacob, but I had already started!). Things are looking pretty good. I actually went back through the "dead" pages here at the Radio address and literally cut and pasted the old posts from before my hard drive crashed (that are still alive on the Radio server but no longer part of my Radio installation's database) back into Radio. Then I used Bill Kearney's Exporter tool..

EMRs on Medscape - August 26, 2003

The Electronic Medical Record: Promises and Pitfalls. First of a two part series on Medscape authored by none other than Jacob R. of Family Medicine Notes and Medlogs fame. Check it out.

Radio to Typepad. Any Answers - August 25, 2003

This week I'm going to answer the siren call of TypePad and give it a shot. I'll see how it feels and then decide whether to re-up with Radio or make the move. I am most concerned about moving my archives from this blog and coming up with a good URLRSS referral system so folks don't get lost. If anyone else out there has figured out how to do this during a Radio to TypePad move, let me know.

He's Back! - August 25, 2003

Finally back from my "Summer Vacation." Nice time away with the whole family. I won't bore you with the details, but I probably will get around to writing up some mini-reviews of the books I was able to take in. Reading has always been my number one downtime activity, ever since I was a little one. I hope my little ones develop that way too...

That's What August is All About - August 19, 2003

Sorry for the very light blogging. This is the time of year when the family and I get away for roughly two weeks. So I work a few days, relax a few days, work a few days, get the idea. I'll try to post a bit more this week, but then I'm in relax mode....

"The New York Times of the Medical Press..." - August 18, 2003

I really have to thank Alwin for the nice mentions today, re: Medscape. Even though he calls me out by name, I have to say that we have a great team of a lot of people, without whom there would be no site at all....
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