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Feed items 11 - 14 of 14 for April 2002

Tales of a Lan Warrior :: weblog

Writings of a network junkie

(Untitled) - April 1, 2002

So while searching for information to use in my Linux paper, I came across this information from the National Security Agency (previously known as the No Such Agency). Seems the NSA is contributing to the open source movement by securing (hardening) Linux's security.

(Untitled) - April 1, 2002

School - something that is so useful you never seem to be done with it. This semester has been unusually hard, between work, school and family there never seems to be enough time to even sleep. I have two papers this semester, one for each of the classes. The first paper is titled "Carrier Grade Linux, Fad or Future", so if you know of any good white papers or links let me know :) The other paper has to be on the topic of ERP, CRM or CIM (lots of acronyms) if you are interested, this is...

(Untitled) - April 1, 2002

I thought this was quite interesting, wonder if 10.2 will suddnely appear in the coming days. Blow Out a Candle for OS X. Last weekend was the first anniversary of Apple's new operating system, Mac OS X. No one noticed, except one Mac fan in rural Ohio, who held a birthday party for his beloved operating system. By Leander Kahney. Wired News

(Untitled) - April 1, 2002

Well Here it is Monday, April 1st, and there have been no major "issues" to resolve here at work, but lots of homework is again looming for the week.
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