B.A.'s WeblogAbandon all hope, ye who enter here.FOX "News" at it Again- July 9, 2008 FOX's long history of racism is nothing new, but it has been particularly egregious when it comes to their coverage of the Obamas. Racism and fearmongering have no place in our country or its politics, despite what FOX would have you believe.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ_kR8nP1Tc Pregnancy Rate Skyrockets After Festival- July 9, 2008 Which is why, from here on out, I will (constantly) refer to my juzzle as "Country Jam."http://www.gjsentinel.com/news/content/news/stories/2008/07/07/070808_1a_pregnant.html Digital Fracas- July 9, 2008 Jacqueline Wimbush, 39, was treated at St. Joseph's Hospital after the fight Monday, Tampa police said. Her ring finger was injured in the fracas, police said.http://www2.tbo.com/content/2008/jul/09/womans-fingertip-bitten-fracas-tampa-meat-market/?... Ain't That Just Neighborly- July 9, 2008 A man angry his neighbor parked in his parking spot allegedly ripped open a bag carrying the neighbor's fathers ashes and scattered them on the ground Sunday.http://www.nwfdailynews.com/news/ashes_9241___article.html/woman_report.html Orangutan Populations Declining Sharply- July 8, 2008 Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's top two palm oil producers, have aggressively pushed to expand plantations amid a rising demand for biofuels which are considered cleaner burning and cheaper than petrol.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080705/ap_on_sc/asia_orangutans;_ylt=Av0sIlNpMwK7c3UpFn.X6TSs... Man Attacked for Being Presumed Yankees Fan- July 8, 2008 Clearly, the burden of proof was on him to dissociate himself from the Yankees. And he obviously failed to do so. Case closed.http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080705/NEWS11/80705009 Gorbachov: The Video- July 8, 2008 Quoth Dr. Sardonic: If the early Who were a Soviet metal band, and they were really into zombies and twinkies, this is exactly what they'd sound like.http://www.vimeo.com/1223566?pg=embed&sec=1223566&hd=1 Uganda Gorilla Visit- July 7, 2008 I try to comprehend the wonder of this experience: I am in the midst of 12 apes that live in the wilds of Africa, and they do not run from me, or charge me, but instead look at me, tolerate me and perhaps even see me as close to being one of them.http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/travel/2008/07/06/2008-07-06_humans_meet_primates_in_... Mom of the Year- July 3, 2008 Gillespie told police she didnt notify them because she didnt see anything wrong with her son bringing the patrol car home, Turner said.http://www.scnow.com/scp/news/local/pee_dee/article/joyriding_in_stolen_dillon_police_car_... |