The Temptations NewsNews on The Temptations continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Retro at shore- April 25, 2008 "We had the "Cloud Nine' track. I took lead. Eddie, Paul and Melvin Franklin took leads, and we put it together. It was a different approach from The Temptations, a whole new direction." By WILLIAM H. SOKOLIC Courier-Post Staff April 25, 2008 Dennis Edwards may not have the rights to call his group The Temptations, but he has the weight of hits like "Cloud Nine," "Ball of Confusion" and ... via CourierPostOnline Four Tops, Temptations bring more than just nostalgia- April 19, 2008 The current incarnation of The Temptations and Four Tops cannot be easily dismissed as just nostalgia acts. via South Bend Tribune Their own spin on music fame- April 2, 2008 "Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier") and creating new ones ("Woody's Roundup" Published 12:00 am PDT Sunday, March 30, 2008 Story appeared in TICKET section, Page unknown39 For nearly a decade, the Spinners were relegated to the second tier of Motown. via Sacbee.com |