Anger ManagementThings that piss me off. Also general ranting and whiningWindows Anger- October 17, 2005 After all this time, I haven't once whined about Windows in these pages. Well, that's about to change. Here's something I sent at work today. I've removed material that could identify the workplace, or my colleagues. If this ticks you off, try replacing all the blanks with random obscenities, and odds are you'll feel better about it. Working on this document has made me exercise Word, Visio and Windows generally far more than I ever have before. This is a particular form of hell for a Unix... MLB Anger- October 17, 2005 Dear MLB Online, $9.95 for the postseason seemed like a good deal, particularly since your highlight video and sample content was playing on my Linux laptop. This hadn't happened since you dumped Real after the first season. I dumped you after that, but I was suckered back in by this apparent ability to use Real streaming video. Now when I want to view an archived game, I discover that you haven't really brought Real back, but are sticking exclusively with Microsoft for the archives. It's... |