To Sir With Love - A Wesley Clark BlogNews and discussion celebrating the life and career of a great American.Formerly skeptical political scientist elucidates Clark's complexities- November 28, 2003 UCLA professor of political philosophy, Andrew Sabl, blogging at Open Source Politics, acknowledges: My support for Clark has not come naturally. I'm a partisan and liberal Democrat, no great lover of old Clinton staffers and smug New Democrats. . .... Officials seek to distance Bush policy from RNC "terror" ad- November 28, 2003 Today's New York Times carries a "Washington Memo" by David E. Sanger exploring the schizophrenia at the heart of the current administration. Headlined "When Foreign Policy Aims and Campaign Needs Clash," the articles reports, "Mr. Bush's foreign policy team was... New video - Iowa Debate 112403- November 28, 2003 Video link: complete Clark segments Transcript... First ad tells us "Wes Clark is a big stud and a smart guy" - New Republic- November 26, 2003 In a quick survey of the Democratic candidates' current TV spots, Ryan Lizza suggests:The newest ad in the race is also the most powerful. Watching the Clark campaign stumble throughout the autumn, it has been easy to forget that the... "Bush a man of fierce anger," says former aide- November 26, 2003 Yet David Frum, former Bush speechwriter, is convinced Dubya is the "The Right Man," as his apologia for the president by the same name would have it. The man who wrote the "axis of evil" speech is quoted in a... New video - Face the Nation 112303- November 24, 2003 Video link for Wesley Clark on "Face the Nation," CBS 112303 Somebody please do a Nexis search for this man so he stops being blindsided; in the time between his retirement in May of 2000 and at least until the... New video - David Letterman 112003 Complete- November 22, 2003 Wesley Clark on David Letterman Part 1 Wesley Clark on David Letterman Part 2 Wesley Clark on David Letterman Part 3... Clark TV spot rates rave from Slate- November 21, 2003 Well, not totally. In their recurring column "Damned spot: Political ads dissected and explained," Slate's William Saletan and Jacob Weisberg agree on the spot's aesthetic effectiveness and disagree on its political correctness. Saletan leads with, "How do I love this... |