Trumbauersville NewsLocal news for Trumbauersville, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Plan to shift students has parents concerned- June 29, 2008 It's the dreaded process that nearly every growing school district must go through - shuffling students around to ease overcrowding and balance out class sizes. Quakertown isn't changing school re-assignments- June 27, 2008 Quakertown Community School District Superintendent Lisa Andrejko said on Thursday the district could have done a better job notifying parents of school re-assignments this fall. Some area schools dismissing early because of heat- June 9, 2008 It's too hot for school today for most of the students at Quakertown High School, but some of them can't go home just yet. DeWitt firm to distribute armored glass products- June 3, 2008 A DeWitt company that makes portable bullet- and blast-resistant shields is hooking up with a Pennsylvania company to sell a line of armored safety glass. |