Umbarger NewsLocal news for Umbarger, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Telephone directories delivered- March 6, 2008 "When I am at work I call out for pizza and I always used the Maxor coupon to go get my car washed" A nighttime photo of West Texas A&M's new pedestrian mall is featured on the cover of the 2008-09 Canyon phone directory, which began delivery last Friday. via The Canyon News, Canyon, Texas Polling places change locales- March 3, 2008 "I think these changes will be much better for the voters" Some longtime polling places in Randall County have been changed to address security concerns in elementary schools, traditional voting locations. via Amarillo.com Grass Fires- March 1, 2008 Canyon and Umbarger Fire Departments battled a fire that burned over 200 acres yesterday. via MyHighPlains.com |