TechGnosis - Dig it.Yet another blog containing the semi-witty observations, thoughts, and other assorted navel gazing of a somewhat interesting individual.ph34r t3h butt0nz, j0.- March 26, 2004 I know y'all have missed me this week, I need to make up for it somehow. I think that the fact that this site, AniGaming, and the others, will be down all day on Sunday and a good chunk of... My entire philosophy...- March 21, 2004 ... about people, the world, and everything in it, can be condensed to what is found in this comic strip.... Not much to say...- March 17, 2004 Don't really have too much to say tonight, a bit too mentally exhausted to post anything worthwhile, but I will at least warn you guys that there will likely be many more Second Life themed posts showing up than there... Second Life and Linux - Part Deux- March 15, 2004 Well, I seem to remember rambling on about trying to get Second Life, that Metaverse-esque online game, to run under Linux by using Wine or WineX. And the conclusion on those ramblings was that, no, it would not run. So... Game Pr0n and Army humor...- March 14, 2004 Just a couple of quick entries tonight, mostly thanks to Memepool. First off, there's The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the U.S. Army, a rollicking collection of the good times you're not really allowed to... Madrid, te queremos...- March 11, 2004 Today, the ETA, a terrorist organization based in Spain, launched a devastating and cowardly attack on the capital city, Madrid. A series of bombs in several train stations have left nearly 200 people dead and more than 1,000 wounded. The... The Mars rovers as teenage girls... with blogs.- March 9, 2004 So, yeah, I suppose meta-blogging (blogging about blogs) is so passe it's not even funny, but I can't not share this with the world. I suppose you allready know about the twin Mars rovers, up on the red planet, grinding... Another hit of Technolust - the MPx- March 8, 2004 Sweet monkey Jebus.. I will become the willing personal slave of whoever buys me one of these when they come out: the Motorola MPx, a "very different type of phone that offers the user a horizontal or vertical alignment when... The Official Rules of Calvinball- March 8, 2004 Finally, someone has put together the official rules for the greatest sport of all time, Calvinball! Here's a snippet: 1.5. The Calvinball Field (See Calvinball Equipment - 2.3) should consist of areas, or zones, which are governed by a set... Caring for your introvert.- March 8, 2004 Just found this lovely little article titled "Caring for your introvert". It's beautiful, you really need to go read it, all of us introverts beg you to do so. Here's a choice quote: 'We can only dream that someday, when... |