Terri Schiavo NewsNews on Terri Schiavo continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Would you do a Michael Schiavo to your wife- July 14, 2008 Michael is the widower of Theresa Marie Schindler "Terri" Schiavo, who died on March 31, 2005, after being judicially executed-as her husband wanted.http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/would-you-do-a-michael-schiavo-to-your-wif... Memories Of Terri Schiavo In 2008 Campaign- July 13, 2008 Most of the public talk in recent weeks has been about the election between Senator John McCain and Barack Obama for President.http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/memories-of-terri-schiavo-in-2008-campaign... Dehydration of a Conscious Patient in Florida Reported as No Big Deal by St. Petersburg Times- July 13, 2008 Wednesday, July 09, 2008 Dehydration of a Conscious Patient in Florida Reported as No Big Deal by St.http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/dehydration-of-a-conscious-patient-in-flor... Father seeks place for daughter to die- July 11, 2008 An Italian father and his advisers were looking for a place for his daughter to die yesterday as doctors, prelates and politicians wrangled over a judgment that critics said opened the way for euthanasia in the ...http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/father-seeks-place-for-daughter-to-die?fro... Italy Court Allows Man to Kill His Comatose Daughter, Similar to Terri Schiavo- July 10, 2008 In a case that hearkens back to the international debate over the life and death of Terri Schiavo, a father in Italy has received permission from a court to take his daughter's life.http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/italy-court-allows-man-to-kill-his-comatos... The Hidden Danger of the SoCalled Right to Die- July 9, 2008 The Terri Schiavo case a few years back brought into focus the debate over the so-called "right to die." After a back-and-forth legal battle between her husband and her parents and after intervention by ...http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/the-hidden-danger-of-the-socalled-right-to... Where there's a (living) will, there's a way- July 7, 2008 As a social worker in Stamford Hospital's critical care unit, Jill Stanislo has seen the scenario play out too often: A loved one is in a near-death or incapacitated state and the rest of the family is arguing ...http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/where-theres-a-living-will-theres-a-way?fr... Schiavo-like case in Okeechobee garners interest- July 5, 2008 Just a few years ago 57-year-old Karen Weber sat around the kitchen table talking about the Terri Schiavo case with her husband, Ray, and her mother, Martha Tatro, 80.http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/schiavo-like-case-in-okeechobee-garners-in... Good: Delaware Didn&x26;x27;t &x26;x22;Learn the Lesson&x26;x22; of Schiavo- July 3, 2008 The Delaware House of Representatives has passed a resolution in support of protecting the life of Loren Richardson, who like Terri Schiavo before her, is the subject of a bitter court fight over removing her ...http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/good-delaware-didn-t-learn-the-lesson-of-s... Living Wills: Terri Schiavo, Part II- July 2, 2008 Florida woman, having suffered a stroke, has been comatose for some time. Her husband, saying she's in a vegetative state, wants her feeding tube removed.http://www.topix.net/news/terri-schiavo/2008/07/living-wills-terri-schiavo-part-ii?fromrss... |