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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for February 2004

A Welcome Diversion for Democrats - February 26, 2004

Jon Bon Jovi's last big gig was in front of 70,000 people at Giants Stadium, but on Monday night in Manhattan he was playing a dining room.

Girls' Night Out: The True Joy of 'Sex' - February 19, 2004

As the HBO hit "Sex and the City" builds to its four-handkerchief finale Sunday after six estrogen-soaked seasons, I've gotten addicted all over again.

Meanie Martha Made a Mess - February 12, 2004

Among women I know in Manhattan, the stock on Martha Stewart's reputation has been trading downward again.

Stress Test: The Candidates With Staying Power - February 5, 2004

When Joe Lieberman got voted off the island Tuesday night, it was a relief to say goodbye to that mild, admonishing fist. There comes a point when humiliation is excruciating to watch. Or as Bob Dole commented to Larry King, time to remember that old W.C. Fields line -- if at first you don't succeed, try, try again and then give up.
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