Union Hall NewsLocal news for Union Hall, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Green Cliffs of SML - roanoke.com- May 23, 2008 "We could wade right across back then," said Larry Mitchell, whose father owned the farmland that fronted on Burnt Chimney Road near Lovely Valley.http://www.topix.net/city/union-hall-va/2008/05/green-cliffs-of-sml-roanoke-com?fromrss=1 Copper Hill Postmaster retiring- May 3, 2008 "When I started in 1978, the most technology we had was the telephone.(Now) everything has become computerized. Automation has really taken over the last few years." When William L. "Billy" Mullins started his career with the postal service, he was out on the mail route, as a substitute rural carrier. via WSLShttp://www.topix.net/city/union-hall-va/2008/05/copper-hill-postmaster-retiring?fromrss=1 |