waking slowwaking to sleep. and waking slow.The Waterfront- January 27, 2006 I recently finished The Waterfront by Philip Lopate. This can be added with Rats to the list of books that I've read that seem to be about one thing but end up being more about the history of New York City. This is not an inherently bad thing, actually. I had never read Lopate before, a well-known essayist, and while his style was occasionally cloying, it was a somewhat dense, yet ultimately fulfilling read....http://www.wakingslow.com/archives/000273.html Truth and Beauty- January 23, 2006 While flying home for Christmas, I plowed through Truth and Beauty, by Ann Patchett. It's basically the story of a long and difficult friendship between the author and another writer, Lucy Grealy, the author of Autobiography of a Face (which I'm reading now, actually). It's a friendship that seems to sustain each of them through difficult times, but also is a source of stress and angst as well. Grealy was clearly a challenging person with whom to be friends. It's a portrait of female...http://www.wakingslow.com/archives/000272.html |