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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for July 2008 Justin Mason's Weblog

incoherent ramblings about Apache SpamAssassin, anti-spam, perl, software development, and the web

links for 2008-07-10 - July 10, 2008 ooer missus (via Kenneth) (tags: via:kenneth ooer titter tlds jobs rim funny innuendo)

Roommate 419 Scam - July 10, 2008

Here&8217;s an interesting form of advance fee fraud I hadn&8217;t heard of before; it&8217;s a good example of 419 scammers ruining yet another casual online marketplace. Let&8217;s say you have a room you want to rent. You put up a &8220;housemate wanted&8221; ad on Craigslist or wherever. Here&8217;s the the reply you&8217;ll get: Hi There, How re you doing I hope all is well. I&8217;m martha Robot , am 26 yrs old and Am originally from chester united Kingdom . Graduate of I have.

links for 2008-07-09 - July 9, 2008 new cinema listings site for Ireland. nice web2.0-ish layout, but missing lots of stuff you&8217;d expect nowadays: search-by-reviews, feeds, social features, etc. (in fact, they&8217;d almost be better off just using IMO ;) (tags: cinema movies dublin ireland fusio web social) Warren Ellis: The Patchwork Years paraphrased: &8220;enough linkblogging! new content please!&8221; (tags:...

links for 2008-07-08 - July 8, 2008

Protocol Buffers: Google&8217;s Data Interchange Format &8216;a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing structured data think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler&8217;, defined with an IDL-style language. see also Thrift and http:teddziuba.com200807build-google-protocol-buffers.html (tags: protobuf google thrift idl interfaces interchange xml data python java c++ serialization structured-data) Oyster RFID card crypto cracked,...

links for 2008-07-07 - July 7, 2008

Ireland&8217;s first court case on the legality of screen scraping Ryanair vs Bravofly, Bravofly scraping Ryanair&8217;s site allegedly in contravention of their T&Cs (tags: ryanair t-and-cs bravofly scraping web http law ireland) Sunday Business Post: Brain Drain I&8217;m quoted!, arguing that the death of invention in the modern age is greatly exaggerated: &8216;the next Wikipedia could easily come from one teenager&8217;s laptop in..

links for 2008-07-06 - July 6, 2008

Bug 209342 - IBM T40 breaks under Ubuntu Hardy fix is to use the kernel from Intrepid Ibex, for now (tags: kernel bugs ubuntu linux hardy t40 thinkpad) known Thinkpad T40 bug with USB 2.0 aha. this explains a long-running issue I&8217;ve had on my Thinkpad at home (tags: t40 southbridge hardware thinkpad ibm usb bugs)

links for 2008-07-04 - July 4, 2008

WIX &8216;a new text markup format. Its syntax is a blend of Donald Knuth&8217;s TEX and various wiki markup.&8217; has a formal grammar, rather than an ad-hoc parser (guilty). quite nice, although would have been better if it didn&8217;t reinvent so many wheels (via adulau) (tags: via:adulau wix markup text html ettext markdown) Giles Bowkett: &8220;Don&8217;t Be Evil&8221; Was Always Doomed the ViacomYoutube privacy disaster...

links for 2008-07-03 - July 3, 2008 alt microblogging platform with a few key wins over Twitter & Jaiku: stability (so far!), open, decentralized, and Affero-licensed OSS. I&8217;m &8220;jm&8221; on it, but not writing there &8212; yet. but looking forward to an API so I can add it to (tags: identica twitter microblogging blogging tweets open-source web decentralization xmpp) politics in the Twitter camp around the Public Timeline XMPP feed ...

links for 2008-07-02 - July 2, 2008

ratproxy - Google Code &8216;a semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool. .. detection and annotation of potential problems based on the observation of existing, user-initiated traffic in complex web 2.0 environments&8217;, by lcamtuf (tags: proxies web security xss csrf lcamtuf google) Spammers using as spam hosting Bebo need to do some anti-abuse work (tags: via:websense spam bebo...

Amazon EC2s spam and malware problems - July 2, 2008

Over the past few weeks, I&8217;ve increasingly heard of spam and abuse problems originating in Amazon EC2. This has culminated in a blog post yesterday by Brian Krebs at the Washington Post: It took me by surprise this weekend to discover that that mounds of porn spam and junk e-mail laced with computer viruses are actively being blasted from digital real estate leased to Amazon. He goes on to discuss how EC2 space is now actively blocked by Outblaze, and has been listed by Spamhaus in..
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