Taylor Creek NewsLocal news for Taylor Creek, FL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Fort Pierce Family Fun Boat Poker Run Feb. 9- January 29, 2008 It's time for the 2nd Annual Fort Pierce Family Fun Boat Poker Run, produced by the Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast. via The Stuart Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/taylor-creek-fl/2008/01/fort-pierce-family-fun-boat-poker-run-fe... Leaders reflect on river summitThey say positive dialogue had, but more work ahead- January 29, 2008 "It's no secret we are looking to Taylor Creek and the St. Johns River" The rows of chairs filled up quickly and several dozen more were carted in to handle the hundreds from the public gathered at the St. via Financial News & Daily Recordhttp://www.topix.net/city/taylor-creek-fl/2008/01/leaders-reflect-on-river-summitthey-say-... |