Ardmore NewsLocal news for Ardmore, TN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Memorial Day Weekend: Dog Days Flea Market- May 25, 2008 If you like treasure hunting, then you'll love checking out a flea market on the weekends. Vigilance, enforcement steps have been shown to work- May 23, 2008 Violations at nursing homes in the state continue to be found at an alarming rate, and state officials deserve public support for holding homes accountable. Nursing home under scrutiny- May 12, 2008 "The LPN did not correct the dosage and was prepared to administer it after having confirmed it was an incorrect dose" Health inspectors found 39 violations at Sunbridge Care and Rehabilitation for Ardmore, a nursing home and rehab center on the Tennessee side of the town's Main Street, and will not allow new admissions until ... via News Courier Ardmore police honor comrades with a memorial- May 10, 2008 "We honor all policemen and law enforcement officers, those living and those who died or who were killed in the line of duty." The Ardmore Police Department will honor all police officers and law enforcement personnel including those who have died and killed in the line of duty May 14 in a ceremony at the police department. via News Courier More Problems For Tenn. Nursing Homes- May 8, 2008 There were more problems Wednesday morning for middle Tennessee nursing homes. A nursing home in Giles County has been forced to suspend admitting new patients because of health violations. via WTVF Nashville Police Commissioner Discussed in Ardmore- May 6, 2008 Appointing a police commissioner was talked about but no action was taken at Thursday's meeting of the Ardmore, Tenn., Board of Mayor and Aldermen and Ardmore, Ala. via Citizen Press State Says No Admittance In Tennessee- May 3, 2008 NASHVILLE, Tenn.- The Tennessee Department of Health has suspended new admissions to two Middle Tennessee nursing homes. via WAAY-TV Huntsville |