Warren NewsLocal news for Warren, AR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Exclusive: When is a Scarf Just a Scarf- June 5, 2008 By Warren resident, Renee TaylorLast week, my husband (and fellow FSM contributor) Mark and I got into a rather heated debate over an important issue - scarves. When Michelle Malkin released her article on the scarf worn by celebrity chef Rachael Ray and its possible ties to Islamic culture, I found the whole thing amusing and far-fetched. Yet Mark agreed wholeheartedly with Michelle: that the black and white fringed scarf could have hidden Jihadist meaning.The scarf, much like those I wore in..http://www.topix.net/city/warren-ar/2008/06/exclusive-when-is-a-scarf-just-a-scarf?fromrss... Charges Filed In Kingsland High Fire- June 1, 2008 Almost exactly five years after the incident, felony arson charges have been filed against two men for setting the fire that destroyed Kingsland High School on May 25, 2003.Charges were formally filed by Cleveland County Deputy Prosecutor Alan Humphries last Thursday against Chris Jones, 22, of Fordyce, currently serving time in the Arkansas Department of Correction, and Dustin Torrence, 23, of Warren, formerly of Kingsland. The charges were filed based on new information gathered on the case...http://www.topix.net/city/warren-ar/2008/05/cleveland-county-herald-your-county-newspaper-... 2 arrested in fire that ruined Kingsland school 5 years ago- June 1, 2008 Authorities say they've arrested two suspects - including a former volunteer firefighter - in connection with a fire that destroyed Kingsland High School five years ago.The Cleveland County Herald reported Wednesday that authorities arrested Chris Jones, 22, of Fordyce and Dustin Torrence, 23, of Warren on suspicion of arson in the May 2003 fire.http://www.topix.net/city/warren-ar/2008/05/2-arrested-in-fire-that-ruined-kingsland-schoo... Death sentence tossed in slaying- June 1, 2008 The Arkansas Supreme Court threw out the death sentence Thursday of a man who was convicted of committing a murder over money lost in a three-card monte game, hinging its decision on a 68-year-old ruling that ...http://www.topix.net/city/warren-ar/2008/05/death-sentence-tossed-in-slaying?fromrss=1 Bradley County Run Off Election for Treasurer- June 1, 2008 On June 10, there will be a run off election for the office of County Treasurer. Although it was originally reported that Diane Wesson had won, the margin was close and a run off election is scheduled. Don't forget to cast your ballot on June 10.http://www.topix.net/city/warren-ar/2008/05/bradley-county-run-off-election-for-treasurer?... |