Warren South NewsLocal news for Warren South, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.MySpace party boy faces 10,000 bill- January 15, 2008 "It was just an open house party and a lot of people came and it overflowed on to the street." An Australian teenager who posted an open invite on MySpace to a house party, faces a bill of 10,000 after 500 guests ran wild. via Channel 4http://www.topix.net/city/warren-south-pa/2008/01/myspace-party-boy-faces-10-000-bill?from... Police probe how 500 teens got party invite- January 13, 2008 "I heard a bottle hit the police car ... and then everybody started yelling" POLICE are investigating how social networking websites, email and SMS messaging may have been used to draw a crowd of up to 500 teenagers to a house party, hosted by a 16-year-old boy while his parents were ... via The Agehttp://www.topix.net/city/warren-south-pa/2008/01/police-probe-how-500-teens-got-party-inv... |