Union NewsLocal news for Union, NH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Teachers may sue over health rebate- June 3, 2008 The Concord teachers union is considering legal action against the school district over what the union says is hundreds of thousands of dollars in health insurance money that should have been returned to ...http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/teachers-may-sue-over-health-rebate?fromrss=1 'Ready to go,' Marines say- June 1, 2008 Fifty-five Marine reservists yesterday left their New England homes for war, each leaving behind something and someone they loved: newborn babies, parents, girlfriends, careers.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/ready-to-go-marines-say?fromrss=1 |