Union NewsLocal news for Union, NH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Updated report: Top NH official denounces 'no confidence' letter- June 28, 2008 Health and Human Services Commissioner Nicholas Toumpas commented as about 80 workers and union representatives picketed outside the Sununu Youth Services Center.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/updated-report-top-nh-official-denounces-no-con... Hodes Criticized For Mailings Funded By Taxpayer Money- June 26, 2008 Rep. Paul Hodes is drawing criticism for his extensive use of so-called "franking" privileges that allow congressmen to send mail to their constituents at taxpayer expense.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/hodes-criticized-for-mailings-funded-by-taxpaye... Marylin Pike: New tables, benches OK'd for town beach- June 24, 2008 Trustees of the Trust Fund: The three trustees, Bette White, Karen Brown and Lisa Stewart were in attendance at the recent meeting.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/marylin-pike-new-tables-benches-okd-for-town-be... Ex-wife relieved Danville murder suspect captured- June 22, 2008 The man accused in last week's brutal slaying of his Danville landlord is being held without bail after being returned to New Hampshire yesterday.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/ex-wife-relieved-danville-murder-suspect-captur... Union man runs for governor- June 20, 2008 State Sen. Joe Kenney , now running for governor, can be said to be very pro-Union. He has lived for over 40 years in the village, which is part of Wakefield, and in announcing this gubernatorial run to a ...http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/union-man-runs-for-governor?fromrss=1 NH was Russert's kind of place- June 18, 2008 When MSNBC beamed Tim Russert live from the Airport Diner a day before this year's presidential primary, residents rushed from their TV to the eatery for the chance to see him in person.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/nh-was-russerts-kind-of-place?fromrss=1 Seabrook official faces indictment- June 11, 2008 "He threw her off the porch and she broke her arm in several places," Seabrook Police Chief Patrick Manthorn said yesterday.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/seabrook-official-faces-indictment?fromrss=1 N.H. moms fight mosquito viruses- June 9, 2008 The state of New Hampshire and many locals are gearing up to combat the mosquito-borne Eastern equine encephalitis virus.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/n-h-moms-fight-mosquito-viruses?fromrss=1 Consumers Union jumps on health care reform bandwagon- June 7, 2008 Meg Bohne believes that once they hear the stories from people all over the country about their problems with the existing health care system, legislators will be obliged to act.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/consumers-union-jumps-on-health-care-reform-ban... NH's Buckley endorses Obama- June 5, 2008 New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Raymond Buckley has ended his status as an uncommitted superdelegate and has thrown his support to Barack Obama for President, UnionLeader.com has learned.http://www.topix.net/city/union-nh/2008/06/nhs-buckley-endorses-obama?fromrss=1 |