Union NewsLocal news for Union, WA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Quick, simple shots- June 30, 2008 The theme music wasn't it's only problem, though; the ad was simply so busy that little of its mass of message stuck.http://www.topix.net/city/union-wa/2008/06/quick-simple-shots?fromrss=1 banking Commercial Loan Officer T...- June 28, 2008 The position is located in Vancouver and serves the commercial and business services needs in the Clark County area.http://www.topix.net/city/union-wa/2008/06/banking-commercial-loan-officer-t?fromrss=1 Arbitrator gives job back to fired VPD lieutenant- June 26, 2008 A Vancouver police lieutenant fired last year for lying and insubordination won his job back this week from an arbitrator.http://www.topix.net/city/union-wa/2008/06/arbitrator-gives-job-back-to-fired-vpd-lieutena... Lunch lineup gets leaner- June 20, 2008 As many as 47 employees at Vancouver Public Schools could lose their jobs next year, and another 26 could lose work hours.http://www.topix.net/city/union-wa/2008/06/lunch-lineup-gets-leaner?fromrss=1 banking TELLER Part-Time Assist members in...- June 18, 2008 Cash handling, customer service, computer and 10-key operations, and sales experience required.http://www.topix.net/city/union-wa/2008/06/banking-teller-part-time-assist-members-in?from... "Haute Off the Press" - Holly Smith of Cafe Juanita wins the coveted, "James Beard Award"!...- June 9, 2008 Renowned Eastside Chef & Restaurateur, "Holly Smith" of "Cafe Juanita" has won "Best Chef: Northwest". And deservedly so!!! "Renowned Chef Holly Smith" With over 8 years under her belt, she lead the culinary ...http://www.topix.net/city/union-wa/2008/06/haute-off-the-press-holly-smith-of-cafe-juanita... The Flood, Six Months Later- June 6, 2008 Heavy rain and runoff on December 3, 2007 brought major flooding throughout Western Washington, and Kitsap and Mason counties bore a considerable toll.http://www.topix.net/city/union-wa/2008/06/the-flood-six-months-later?fromrss=1 Nothing 'Flawed' About These Court Victories- June 4, 2008 Tuesday, June 3, 2008; Page A14 The May 29 editorial "Flawed Victory," which characterized as "deeply flawed" the recent Supreme Court decisions reaffirming protection against retaliation for age and racial ...http://www.topix.net/city/union-wa/2008/06/nothing-flawed-about-these-court-victories?from... banking Assistant Branch Manager ...- June 2, 2008 Position works closely with the Branch Manager to develop employees to meet or exceed expectations of sales, member service and all aspects of branch operations.http://www.topix.net/city/union-wa/2008/06/banking-assistant-branch-manager?fromrss=1 |