Union NewsLocal news for Union, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Missouri Levee Breaks as Flooding Continues- June 28, 2008 The Mississippi River on Friday burst through an earthen levee that may have been weakened by burrowing muskrats, inundating a small Missouri town and adding to woes from disastrous U.S. Midwest flooding that ...http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/missouri-levee-breaks-as-flooding-continues?fro... Missouri: Lessons from America- June 22, 2008 As a teenager from Bradford, in 1974 Roger Mosey went on an exchange trip to Missouri.http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/missouri-lessons-from-america?fromrss=1 Judges appoint Franklin County charter commission- June 20, 2008 Two circuit judges in Franklin County have appointed a 14-member commission to draft a home-rule charter for the county.http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/judges-appoint-franklin-county-charter-commissi... Union Resident Faces Resisting Arrest Charge- June 18, 2008 A Union teen is charged with resisting arrest and driving with a suspended license after he allegedly led police on a car chase at speeds reaching over 90 mph.http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/union-resident-faces-resisting-arrest-charge?fr... Economy forces vacationers to stay closer to home- June 10, 2008 People are still vacationing, but with an economic downturn and a weak dollar, many travelers are staying closer to home.http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/economy-forces-vacationers-to-stay-closer-to-ho... State Highway 50 Study Is Complete- June 8, 2008 City officials said the findings from an economic impact and safety study of Highway 50 from Sedalia to Interstate 44 is complete and indicated the state could save money by widening the highway.http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/state-highway-50-study-is-complete?fromrss=1 Teen drowns in Bourbeuse River- June 6, 2008 An eastern Missouri teenager drowned while swimming in a river. The Missouri State Water Patrol identifies the victim as 17-year-old Matthew Pruessner of Union.http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/teen-drowns-in-bourbeuse-river?fromrss=1 Book Signing at Pacific LibraryBook Signing at Pacific Library- June 6, 2008 Franklin County author Dan Terry will be signing copies of his book, "Beyond the Shadows: Exploring the Ghosts of Franklin County," at the Pacific Library Thursday, June 12, from 4 p.m. to 6 p. In the book, ...http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/book-signing-at-pacific-librarybook-signing-at-... Leadership Union Holds 'Roundtable' Discussion- June 4, 2008 Leadership Union organizers said they will offer the program again but after some tweaking of the agenda by the steering committee.http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/leadership-union-holds-roundtable-discussion?fr... Defendant in Federal Suit Named in Wrongful Death- June 2, 2008 A 36-year-old rural Washington man who is a defendant in a federal civil suit for allegedly posing as a federal agent also is entangled in a wrongful death suit.http://www.topix.net/city/union-mo/2008/06/defendant-in-federal-suit-named-in-wrongful-dea... |