Union Center NewsLocal news for Union Center, SD continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.House panel votes to boost lawmakers' salaries- January 31, 2008 The South Dakota House State Affairs Committee has endorsed legislation to give state lawmakers a $4,000-a-year raise. via Rapid City Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/union-center-sd/2008/01/house-panel-votes-to-boost-lawmakers-sal... Ag-value fight is back- January 29, 2008 "Your values come to you from the state. That's it." By Bill Harlan, Journal staff Monday, January 28, 2008 PIERRE Lawmakers are once again trying to repair the malfunctioning system that tax assessors use to value farm and ranch land in South Dakota. via Rapid City Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/union-center-sd/2008/01/ag-value-fight-is-back?fromrss=1 Abortion bills advance in House and Senate- January 26, 2008 "They've dealt with the results of that uninformed decision for the rest of their lives." A South Dakota House panel embraced a measure Friday that would require abortion doctors to offer pregnant women a chance to see sonograms of their fetuses. via Rapid City Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/union-center-sd/2008/01/abortion-bills-advance-in-house-and-sena... State takes first step to revamp death inquiries- January 25, 2008 "I think his (Randall's) motivation, basically, is to make sure that the need in South Dakota for forensic services is adequately dealt with when he moves on" A bill that could lead to an overhaul of death examinations statewide was introduced Wednesday in the Senate with the support of Attorney General Larry Long. via ArgusLeader.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/union-center-sd/2008/01/state-takes-first-step-to-revamp-death-i... |