Union City NewsLocal news for Union City, OK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Children's Acting Guild to perform "Snoopy"- June 28, 2008 The Oklahoma Children's Acting Guild will present the musical, "Snoopy!!!" this weekend at True Oak Fellowship in Tuttle.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-ok/2008/06/childrens-acting-guild-to-perform-snoopy?f... Weather warnings, watch issued- June 11, 2008 Until tonight: Polecat Creek near Sapulpa - Until late today: Cimarron River near Perkins.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-ok/2008/06/weather-warnings-watch-issued?fromrss=1 Keeping natural disasters in perspective- June 1, 2008 "I would never live in a place where those tornadoes come through," is the statement made to me by people who think of the Central Plains as one swirling mass of weather lifting up houses, like the Wizard of ...http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-ok/2008/05/keeping-natural-disasters-in-perspective?f... |