Union City NewsLocal news for Union City, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Deputies Investigate Bomb Threat At Darke County School- February 29, 2008 In Darke County, sheriff's deputies continue their investigation into a Thursday afternoon bomb threat at the Mississinawa Valley School near Union City, Ohio.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-oh/2008/02/deputies-investigate-bomb-threat-at-darke-... Threat reported; no bomb found at area high school- February 29, 2008 UNION CITY, Ohio - A bomb threat was reported at Mississinawa Valley High School east of here today but evidence of a bomb was never found.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-oh/2008/02/threat-reported-no-bomb-found-at-area-high... Ivan Barga- February 24, 2008 Ivan B. Barga, 86, of Union City, died Feb. 21, 2008, at his home. He was born Nov.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-oh/2008/02/ivan-barga?fromrss=1 Michael East- February 24, 2008 Michael A. East, 19, 01722 U.S. 33 West, St. Marys, died Feb. 20, 2008, at his home.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-oh/2008/02/michael-east?fromrss=1 UCO amends salary ordinance, fills seat- February 23, 2008 News-Gazette reporter Union City, Ohio Mayor Jim Nelson told council members Wednesday they either had to rescind the pay increase for the utility worker or amend their appropriations ordinance.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-oh/2008/02/uco-amends-salary-ordinance-fills-seat?fro... Union City (Ohio) man dies in I-69 crash- February 22, 2008 An early morning, two-vehicle crash today on I-69 in Grant County claimed the life of an Ohio man.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-oh/2008/02/union-city-ohio-man-dies-in-i-69-crash?fro... Former M.V. coach Roger Jeffers is new NA-FC Parks director- February 18, 2008 Roger Jeffers isn't one of those bosses who sits in an easy chair and barks orders.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-oh/2008/02/former-m-v-coach-roger-jeffers-is-new-na-f... UM celebrates latest development- February 16, 2008 On February 10, the congregation of the Evangelical United Methodist Church in Union City, Ohio dedicated its latest addition to a history that goes back to 1874. via News Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-city-oh/2008/02/um-celebrates-latest-development?fromrss=1 Marsh Hometown Market to open- February 6, 2008 "We also know that shoppers are looking for ways to save both time and money. With our improved store layouts, competitive everyday pricing, weekly promotions, and new customer marketing programs, these Marsh Markets are designed to serve those needs" Marsh Supermarkets, Inc. will celebrate five store conversions this Thursday, including the Wabash and Peru locations. via The Wabash Plain Dealer Onlinehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-city-oh/2008/02/marsh-hometown-market-to-open?fromrss=1 |