Union City NewsLocal news for Union City, GA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Man Convicted in Fund Fraud Kills Self- May 25, 2008 An official with the Fulton County Medical Examiner's office says a man awaiting sentencing after being convicted of hedge fund fraud has committed suicide.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-ga/2008/05/man-convicted-in-fund-fraud-kills-self?fro... Let's Not Forget What Memorial Day Is All About- May 24, 2008 In Honor of Lance Corporal James Chamroeun 1985 - 2006 James Chamroeun of Union City, Georgia was killed in Iraq when on September 28th 2008, the vehicle he was riding in ran over a makeshift bomb.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-ga/2008/05/lets-not-forget-what-memorial-day-is-all-a... Web site ends family's sad search- May 14, 2008 "It was just bones that they found." A stranger found what was left of Cynthia Ann Neisler in the woods in Union City in 2004. via Atlanta Journal-Constitutionhttp://www.topix.net/city/union-city-ga/2008/05/web-site-ends-familys-sad-search?fromrss=1 |