Auberry NewsLocal news for Auberry, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Updates: Reward offered for arrest of suspect in Barajas slaying- March 25, 2008 A $3,500 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of Kenneth Wilson, 29, in connection with the Feb. via Fresno Bee PG&E Substation Proposal in Auberry- March 12, 2008 PG&E wants to get power to the people, but some don't want it if it means a substation on their land. via ABC30.com Local: Family seeks pay for home damage in SWAT raid- March 10, 2008 "We had a good tip that Kenneth Wilson was there" An Auberry-area family will seek compensation from Fresno County after a SWAT raid by sheriff's deputies heavily damaged their home, a family spokesman said Thursday. via Fresno Bee KSEE 24 News Exclusive- March 8, 2008 Auberry family demanding answers&xD; &xD; Members of the Fresno County SWAT team searched a home Tuesday night. via RSS Feed Family Accuses Fresno County Deputies of Excessive Force- March 6, 2008 A family living on Big Sandy Rancheria near Auberry is left picking up the pieces of their home on Wednesday after the Fresno County Sheriffs SWAT team served a search warrant. via KSEE-TV Fresno |