Applegate NewsLocal news for Applegate, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Woman extricated from car after solo ...- July 11, 2008 Placer Hills Fire District crews work to extricate a Colfax woman after her vehicle collided with the center divide on Interstate 80 in Applegate Thursday. Christina Applegate on Loss of Ex-Boyfriend - ET- July 4, 2008 Entertainment Tonight Headlines Christina Applegate on Loss of Ex-Boyfriend Christina Applegate says she is "profoundly saddened" by the recent death of her ex-boyfriend, 26-year-old Lee Grivas . Public safety watch: Use illegal fireworks; face $500 fine- July 3, 2008 Published 12:00 am PDT Thursday, July 3, 2008 Story appeared in SOUTH PLACER ROSEVILLE section, Page G3 Roseville is reminding citizens that it has a "no tolerance" policy against illegal fireworks. Fireworks displays closely monitored this ...- July 1, 2008 Cal Fire Battalion Chief Bill Mendonca displays, Magician, an illegal firework that residents can set in some cities in Placer County. |