Applegate NewsLocal news for Applegate, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Community Briefing- April 26, 2008 COUNTY HIRES NEW DIRECTOR: Christine Applegate has been appointed director of the Stanislaus County Community Services Agency. via The Modesto Bee Chumash Dictionary Breathes Life into Moribund Language- April 24, 2008 "It's something we can pass on to our children and grandchildren." Thought to be dead for more 40 years, the last surviving branch of Chumash languages was merely dormant. via Santa Barbara Independent Chumash language brought back from the brink- April 20, 2008 "There's a huge resurgence of people wanting to get their languages back" A generation ago, the ancient Chumash tongue of Samala was all but dead, its songs and sagas buried in a university basement beneath mountains of yellowing research notes. via Los Angeles Times |