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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for June 2008

license claims in HTML - June 20, 2008

When you put a Creative Commons license in a web page, it usually applies to that page. For example, if you generated HTML for the Attribution-ShareAlike license using the license chooser at and put that claim into a web page at, it would mean that the page at could be freely ...

1 YMP free in every box of FoxyTunes - June 17, 2008

FoxyTunes Blog: FoxyTunes 3.0 for Firefox is finally here! This version adds a very cool new functionality it can turn any webpage into a playlist you can play right there on that page without needing to launch any external media players or programs. How is this possible With the new Yahoo! Media Player. Whats Yahoo! ...

ad-sponsored music and the major labels - June 11, 2008

What are the economics of ad-sponsored streaming music services like iMeem Labels want some amount, most commonly quoted as a penny a play, and the question is whether this price makes sense, or if not what the price will have to be. A song lasts 3.5 minutes. The majors have been asking $.01 ...

packaging zeitgeist - June 11, 2008

This novelty page is an interesting form of music packaging. It has a full-page esthetic similar to Muxtape and (in a sense) goose. The layout is purely decorative. The object is a hybrid of graphics, music, and motion. The visual elements are HTML rather than Flash. There&8217;s something happening but I don&8217;t ...

so whos driving this cart, anyway - June 5, 2008

Crosbie Fitch&8217;s thoughts on what&8217;s a label anyway: What I think were seeing is a market inversion, that were currently bang smack in the midst of. When this inversion is complete, instead of a label acting as an artists promotional agent maximising the sale of their music to their audience, well have an audiences discoveral agent maximising ...
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