Trotwood NewsLocal news for Trotwood, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.More than 30 area homes part of Obama nationwide event- June 29, 2008 TV Online More than 30 area homes part of Obama nationwide event By Carol Simmons From morning brunch in Trotwood, to cold lemonade and fresh-baked brownies mid-day in Yellow Springs, to evening cocktails in ... Woman Tased By Police Is On Trial- June 27, 2008 TROTWOOD, Ohio -- A woman tased by Trotwood police is now on trial. Valreca Redden went to the Trotwood Police Department las November to give up her one-year-old son. Local gas prices break $4 a gallon level- June 25, 2008 More... Think TV Online ThinkTV provides a wide variety of programming that informs, inspires and delights audiences of all ages. Tasered pregnant mother found not guilty- June 23, 2008 More... TV Online Tasered pregnant mother found not guilty Valreca Redden was charged after an incident at the Trotwood police station last November. Jury Acquits Pregnant Woman Who Was Stunned By Police- June 21, 2008 The confrontation last November between 33-year-old Valreca Redden and Trotwood Police Officer Michael Wilmer occurred when she went to the police deparment to see about giving up her one-year-old son. Hundreds of live, dead animals removed- June 20, 2008 The Humane Society of Greater Dayton says animal-control agents have removed 158 live animals and a similar number of dead animals from a trash-filled property in suburban Trotwood. Man Accused Of Shooting At Police Faces 14 Additional Charges- June 18, 2008 A man accused of shooting at police officers before leading them on a high speed chase is now facing more than a dozen new charges. Neighbors headlines: Trotwood baby sitter class slated- June 16, 2008 More... Neighbors headlines: Trotwood baby sitter class slated Staff Reports Trotwood baby sitter class slated TROTWOOD - The city, in conjunction with the American Red Cross, will host a baby sitters training ... Foreclosure victim knows Job's tale firsthand- June 14, 2008 More... Foreclosure victim knows Job's tale firsthand A.D. Thomas and his wife lost their home after he was injured at work, lost his job and the medical bills started piling up. Ex-officer says newspapers, police defamed him in case- June 12, 2008 More... Ex-officer says newspapers, police defamed him in case By Lou Grieco DAYTON - A former Trotwood police officer has sued the Dayton Daily News for defamation. |