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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for October 2007

Tetsugaku no kodomo

Tetsugaku no kodomo -

let's make some noise! - October 20, 2007

I give the Daily Show props for working in that joke.Now for something totally different.  Kevin Millar gives the Sox's a pre-game pep talk.  You know Fox is really sweating over the possibility of a Cleavland Indians vs. Colorado Rockies World Series.  Anyways...I still love you Kevin!  I'm happy that Boston Cowboy-ed Up last night.  Backett was fierce.  For what it's worth:  How many Octobers are there  How many World Series  And whose country is...

Not safe for work & Red Sox Game 2 - October 6, 2007

Clothing that is more than meets the eye!  Slightly unsafe for work.I would like to give a shout out to Many for being Many for the first time in ages.  Or as some are saying "Manny being Ortiz"  People forget that Manny can be a clutch. The Hero of the game: This fan's catch was the defining moment of the game.  It might end up being the defining moment of the series.  Although Becket's 4 hit shut out helped the Sox's cause. Dice-K wasn't bad but he wasn't great...
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