The World Of BunsTwo men enter! One man leaves!Get your hands off of me you damned dirty ape- December 27, 2004 Tivo needss to be taught a lesson. TiVo is such a little fucking bitch these days. It is like a little untrained fucking puppy dog fucking pissing on the good rugs in the nice room (every house has a nice room, you know, in which you sit down only when you have company, with the good chairs) and making everyone mad. It keeps thinking that we want it to change the channel and record things at random, but we fukcing don't. My parents need to get the fucking thing... Area Man Outgoatraced by Son- December 27, 2004 I played scrabble with my parents today. It was nice, though it would seem that my parents don't always want to be a stickler for "actual" words. I had played "G-O-A-T" fairly early. My father says, "well, there's horserace and dograce and boatrace, so why not "G-O-A-T-R-A-C-E" I wanted to scream. That is not a word. But I had a "D" in my carrel, and a double word score box was right next to the "E" in "goatrace" so I figured, why not, he handed it to me. So on my turn, which came next, I.. (Untitled)- December 20, 2004 Hooray! It's snowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNOW SNOW SNOW!!!!!!!! Parson Brown has arrived. I'm building a snowman in the meadow. oh yeah, and could someone please explain how " A Very Long Engagement" is beginning as a limited engagement by opening in select cities KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- December 18, 2004 Senseless Linking. These are awesome! www.yourethemannowdog.com My Amazing typo e-mail- December 7, 2004 Yeah, I drunk e-mailed my improv group. Jessie was bartending at Calico Jack's and she gave us lots of free drinks and plenty of free shots! Then I went to Hermo's birthday fest and had a bunch more shots and beers. Watch out! To: Improv Group Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 04:35:44 -0500 Subject: Jessie = amazing bartender This is a public Thank-you for the amazing "drink specials" at CJ's. Every 1 should go there necxt time. yeah, i''m, fucking drunk. I went to a friend's birthday party and... |