.NET at 9.400 ft above sea levelProgramming in Quito, 2.860 m above sea levelTuples: an F lightweight data structure- December 5, 2007 Maybe the best thing to do is to start by showing a few examples of tuples: let amigo = ("Sebasti&225;n", 7) let pair1 = (3, 2) let pair2 = (2, 5) let student = "Santiago", "Monterrey", 2007, true The first tuple ("Sebasti&225;n", 7) groups two values: a string and an integer, allowing us to handle them as just one thing, this "thing" has the type string int, that is, it belongs to the set of all the combinations of...http://weblogs.asp.net/esanchez/archive/2007/12/05/tuples-an-f-lightweight-data-structure.... F doesn't need parenthesis in functions, or does it- December 3, 2007 In a previous posting I mentioned that when you define a function in F you don't need parenthesis surrounding the parameters, or commas separating them. So, this simple definitions are all valid: let negate a = -a &160; let add a b = a + b &160; let multiply a b = a b When you compile them, you get this messages: negate is a function that takes an integer and returns an integer, add takes two integers and return another, etc. Now we can type "add 3 4" and we...http://weblogs.asp.net/esanchez/archive/2007/12/02/f-doesn-t-need-parenthesis-in-functions... Word 2007 and Microsoft Math- December 2, 2007 Reading Alfred Thompson blog, who focus on computer science teaching at K-12 schools (what we call in Ecuador basic high school), I found this nice entry: Microsoft released a few days ago the Word 2007 Math Add-in. After installing and playing with it for just 2 minutes, I was able to create this document: As you can see, the add-in lets you put formulas inside the text (including fractions, exponentials, sigmas, integrals, etc.), create graphs from an equation (I...http://weblogs.asp.net/esanchez/archive/2007/12/02/word-2007-and-microsoft-math.aspx |