Stroudsburg NewsLocal news for Stroudsburg, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Area court blotter- July 14, 2008 The following appeared before Stroudsburg Magisterial District Judge Kristina Anzini and will head to Monroe County Court: David Hall, 28, of East Stroudsburg, and Kadias Lamont Murdaugh, 31, of Mount Pocono, ... Stasis gets moving with release party- July 14, 2008 BANGOR &8212 They had options. The members of local rock band Stasis didn't have to hold the release party for its latest album &8212 its first original album with a new lead singer &8212 at the Sherman ... Pa. grandmother, 77, pins rabid fox that bit her- July 13, 2008 A 77-year-old grandmother is recovering at home after she pinned down a rabid fox that bit her and held it until help arrived. Police Blotter for Sunday, July 13- July 13, 2008 Police are looking for an unregistered blue-gray 1987 Chevrolet quarter-ton van with a broken driver-side rear window, reported stolen July 7 from a Route 209 residence in Polk Township. Two Monroe businesspeople earn recognition- July 13, 2008 Pictured from left are Mary Beth Pasqualicchio, vice president, Community Bank & Trust Co.; Noreen Gorka, owner of Y-Stress; Carolyn Coval, owner of Home Instead Senior Care; Jim Cook, owner of Jim Cook ... Pocono Thursday: Bear cub recovering; two entrepreneurs, two outcomes -- July 12, 2008 The bear cub everyone is talking about is doing well. Spoon feed anybody blueberry yogurt and it's got to help. Pocono Friday: Corpse 'suspicious,' Main Street gets new investment, ESU stadium revamp -- July 12, 2008 The dead man found on remote Hypsy Gap Road Thursday morning has been identified. Teen charged in robbery heading to county court- July 12, 2008 STROUDSBURG &8212 Jonathan Paul Apolinaris, 16, of Tobyhanna, will head to Monroe County Court on charges of robbing the Pump-N-Pantry at gunpoint on June 26. Funding local college from Monroe's shareof gambling revenue a priority to commissioners- July 11, 2008 I feel I need to respond to the question of why the Monroe County Commissioners are asking that the largest allocation of Monroe's share of the gambling receipts be designated for the expansion of the Monroe ... Four-story building with garage planned for site of 2006 fire- July 11, 2008 STROUDSBURG &8212 More than a year and a half after fire destroyed three buildings on the 600 block of Main Street, the vacant lots have been sold to developers who plan to fill the gap left by the buildings. |