[ceci n'est pas]Video games, the web, nerdiness, and a boring life.Wordpress- August 23, 2006 Wordpress is a pain in the ass to skin. More so than any of the other weblog tools that I've used. The seperation of content from design in the templates -- the default ones -- doesn't feel up to snuff. I find myself mixing the Wordpress PHP variables with other various PHP statements and conditionals right in the middle of the HTML, which reminds me more of clumsily pieced together scripts than, you know, top-tier... Music to Play Geometry Wars to- August 3, 2006 Meanwhile, in the XBox Arcade. Geometry Wars. A threshold has been crossed. Over the course of a day or two, I jumped from "500,000 points is a big time fluke" to "500,000 points is an average score." My new 840k+ high score has put me in second place on my friends list. That's nowhere near the overall leader, but I don't care. I just want to be number one on my friends list and that's... |