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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for September 2005

The Tweezer's Edge v3

Blogging the thoughts and adventures of TweezerMan!

SpamLookup's Keyword Filter Explained - September 30, 2005

The SpamLookup 'Keyword Filter' plugin provided with MT 3.2 works in a similar manner to MT-Blacklist (which SpamLookup hopes to make obsolete), but there are some differences in the way it works with keywords and regexes compared to MT-Blacklist. This post will explain some of those differences so you can understand how SpamLookup's 'Keyword Filter' uses the keywords and regexes when it is filtering spam, and perhaps experience a smoother transition when migrating from...

Auto-delete junk commenttrackback script for MT 3.2 - September 26, 2005

Movable Type 3.2 introduced a new status for comments and trackbacks - 'junk'. Rather than blocking comments and trackbacks that are deemed to be spam, such comments and trackbacks are kept in the system. How long these 'junk' comments and trackbacks are kept in the MT database is controlled by following settings, found on the "Feedback" tab of the weblog's "Settings" page: Auto-Delete Junk: If enabled, junk feedback will be automatically erased after a number of days. This setting controls..

Supreme Court confirmation hearings - John Roberts Kelo - September 16, 2005

I've generally liked what I've heard so far in the confirmation hearings for Judge John Roberts to the Supreme Court, but one thing caught my attention and does bother me. Judge Roberts, speaking about interpretation of the Constitution to Sen. Orrin Hatch : In terms of the application of the law, you begin, obviously, with the precedents before you. There are some cases where everybody's going to be a literalist. If the phrase in the Constitution says two-thirds of the Senate, everybody's a..
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