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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for March 2008


The personal domain of Noah Mittman: interaction designer, information architect, and internet nitpicker.

TWiT and the Podcast Device - March 20, 2008

Tabletblog recently reported about an episode of TWiT which featured Dave Winer which not surprisingly had gone off course over RSS, iTunes and podcasting. In it, Dave Winer expressed frustration about the lack of a proper podcast device &8212; that while iPods are well known as podcast players, they weren&8217;t the perfect device. For example, such a device would be wireless and download episodes even when away from the desktop. Tabletblog naturally responded with &8220;Did that TWiT ever...

The Confidence Economy - March 14, 2008

In an overloaded world, good (or at least sufficient) alternatives are available everywhere. Therefore, the successes are the ones that make people &8220;feel good.&8221; That&8217;s a tricky target &8212; feeling good &8212; but it&8217;s one everyone is aiming for. It used to stop at the customer experience, but it&8217;s extending to be much more than that, something far more fundamental and user-centered. A restaurant that cooks with only locally-grown food is one example. Linux as an...

Engadget and the Curious SIM Unlock Question - March 7, 2008

It&8217;s not often that I disagree with Ryan Block or John Gruber &8212; these guys are always on top of their game &8212; but I have to disagree when it comes to the recent SIM-Unlock question. Don&8217;t know it It was when, during the Q&A portion of the recent Apple announcement regarding the iPhone SDK and the roadmap for the deployment of third-party apps, that Ryan Block asked Steve Jobs: Will SIM unlock software be considered software not allowed in the app store As the live..
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