WHAT IS KILL HAMSTER DOING IN MY JOURNALWHAT IS KILL HAMSTER DOING IN MY JOURNAL - LiveJournal.com(Untitled)- April 11, 2007 So all through high school I knew a girl who was pretty much one of my best friends; I was unruly in a freshman class and got myself moved across the room next to the new chick, who i don't recall being very social with the mouthbreathers in that class. that began a years-long friendship with roots in art, letter writing, and the smashing pumpkins. We spent the years in art classes, working on the school's art and literature magazine, and mocking the more materialistic, self-centered...http://killhamster.livejournal.com/425706.html HI INTERNET- April 10, 2007 i'm a shitty friend. what'd i missdon't make me leave again.http://killhamster.livejournal.com/425283.html |