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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for October 2007

Forging Email Headers: Good, Bad or Ugly - October 19, 2007

My new Ruby on Rails project Hey! Heads Up (H! for short) sends quite a bit of email to notify people about updates from others. Should those updates appear to come from H! or from the person that triggered the notification I don't know enough about email to answer that question but I'll outline the problem and you can let me know what you think. Hey! Heads up lets you manage "temporary" links. They are temporary because you don't know if you want to keep them yet or not. Maybe someone...

Sarcastic Dictionary (Part 1 of Many) - October 4, 2007

Forgive the diversion, I have two new words for our ever-expanding English lexicon. Consider these my definitions, others may exist. pretirement is when a person take themselves "off the market", moves from downtown to the suburbs and subsequently raises kids on a responsibly-attained fixed income. Fun is sometimes deferred until the retirement years and money is (again) responsibly saved to pay for it. Other features of pretirement include a mortgage, car lease payments, thirty pounds and..
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