Swisshome NewsLocal news for Swisshome, OR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Snow forecast for Coast Range- April 18, 2008 The National Weather Service says snow is expected in the Coast Range this weekend. via KCBY-TV Coos Bay Sheriff's say Swisshome man was killed by his own son- April 5, 2008 "He became the focus of the investigation at one point very early on. And then as other possibilities were discounted he again became the focus of the investigation." Lane County Sheriff's say a Swisshome man found dead last month was killed by his own son. via KVAL-TV Eugene Son charged in death of Oregon father- April 3, 2008 SWISSHOME - Swisshome authorities say a 32-year-old man has been charged in the murder of his 55-year-old father. via Statesman Journal |