Arlington NewsLocal news for Arlington, OR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Fires Lead To Evacuations In Arlington- June 30, 2008 Ten to 15 homes were evacuated Sunday night after lightning sparked three fires on the west slope of the eastern Oregon town of Arlington. Industry is partly built in fishing area and probably will come down- June 15, 2008 Gilliam County wants to bring barge income, but tribal officials say the spot is theirs : 1 Sunday, June 15, 2008 MICHAEL MILSTEIN ARLINGTON -- The 40 or so steel pilings poking from the Columbia River were ... Editorial: Put trash where- June 7, 2008 Technically, there is nothing wrong with the plan to haul trash from Hawaii across the wide Pacific and up the Columbia River to Arlington, for disposal in the giant landfill there. Hawaiian trash could be headed to Oregon- June 5, 2008 ARLINGTON, Ore. - With Honolulu's main landfill expected to close in 2009, Hawaii's largest city is looking to send its trash to the Pacific Northwest. |